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Ways to obtain residence permits of Italy

Requirements for Permanent Residency in Italy: 
There are several requirements for NON-EU citizens. If you want to obtain permanent residence in Italy, you are required to live in the country for five years on a stable income, fluent in Italian and knowing the Italian culture with no criminal record.
There are several ways to obtain permanent residency in Italy:
According to the work permit, the applicant has the right to live and work in Italy before applying for permanent residency;
• Entrepreneur residence permit
• Allowing foreign citizens to start business here; 
• Investment based on specific areas of interest recognized by the Italy government;
• A self-employment visa that allows foreigners to trade exclusively in Italy.
Apply for permanent residency for non-EU citizens in Italy:
Non-EU citizens applying for permanent residency in Italy must follow specific procedures. 

Non-EU citizens must first apply for a 5-year temporary residence permit (needs to be renewed according to the validity on the permit) and then apply for an Italy permanent residency. In other words, non-EU citizens must live in Italy for 5 years in order to be eligible for the permanent residency.

Resident permit in Italy

1. Perfect welfare;
2. Excellent quality of life;
3. Perfect living environment;
4. Visa-free live and work in all Schengen countries;
5. No stay requirements*;
1. Non-criminal record.
2. Different requirement for different residence permit types.

Why choose us: WZ&P is the expert in residence and citizenship planning. There are hundreds of clients and advisors rely on our expertise and experience. Our highly qualified professionals work together as one team worldwide.

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