Company News

The best place for leisure and retirement in Antigua and Barbuda

The best place of leisure and retirement is Antigua and Barbuda.

Environment of Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda is a free and democratic place. The crime rate is almost equal to zero. The people are very friendly. The beautiful environment and special geographical location that lots of people enjoy the holiday from the US and Canada.


The social welfare in Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda have a perfect social welfare, free medical care for all the citizens. The local medical staff are all from the US. If you have any diseases, you can direct fly to the US. It takes only two and half hours. Antigua and Barbuda is a member of the British commonwealth. You can also fly to any countries in the Caribbean Sea. There is no redistricted staying requirement. There is visa-free in the UK for six months. Children can study and work with your parents in the UK. If one person applies successfully, the whole family can enjoy the commonwealth welfare.

Cost effective
Simple procedure and short naturalization time, no fingerprintering requirement, no language requirements*, no business background requirements. Antigua and Barbuda is also a world-famous offshore tax haven, no capital gains tax, no net assets tax, no inheritance tax, no gift tax, and no global taxation!


Antigua and Barbuda Passport program


1. Perfect welfare;
2. Safe and healthy environment;
3. Visa-free travel to over 150 countries including the UK and Schengen countries;
4. No personal income tax;
5. No language requirements*;


1.Non-criminal record;
2. Under donation USD 100,000 or minimum real estate investment $400,000;

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details
Phone: +420 603 798 810

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