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Resident permit in Croatia


Croatia is not a popular country,but if you know it that you should be love it so much.

Croatia , officially the Republic of Croatia, is a country at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic Sea. Its capital, Zagreb. Croatian is the official language of Croatia, and became the 24th official language of the European Union upon its accession in 2013. Croatia has an area of 56,594 square kilometers and a population of 4.28 million. Croatia's economy is dominated by service, industrial sectors and agriculture. Tourism is a significant source of revenue, with Croatia ranked among the top 20 most popular tourist destinations in the world.

Croatia has a universal health care system, whose roots can be traced back to the Hungarian-Croatian Parliament Act of 1891, providing a form of mandatory insurance of all factory workers and craftsmen. In 2017, Croatia spent around 6.6% of its GDP on healthcare.

Literacy in Croatia stands at 99.2 per cent. Croatia provides a social security, universal health care system, and a tuition-free primary and secondary education. Croatia has eight public universities, the University of Dubrovnik, University of Osijek, University of Pula, University of Rijeka, University of Split, University of Zadarand University of Zagreb.

Croatia resident permit advantages:
1.the application period is short: 1-2 months free access to Schengen, after it enters the Schengen area, to obtain a Croatian residence card, the EU enjoys citizenship, easy to achieve get resident permit to EU of developed countries.
2.the application conditions are simple: not complicated.
3.the environment is friendly live, has a strong Mediterranean style, the country's economy is developed, advanced social welfare, free education is the guarantee of high-quality life.

2018 global per capital GDP ranking - 57
The World's Safest Country Rankings in 2018 - 19

Application conditions:
1.Over 18 years old;
2.Non-criminal record;
3.Property Certificate at own country;

Please contact us for more details
Phone +420 603 798 810

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