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Moving to Sweden, the fairy tale country in northern Europe

There is such a country: it has a small population and it is the wealthiest country in the world. It has good social welfare and security. Visa free in 173 countries, the global happiness index ranks the 1st in the world. Its high quality of life ranks 2th among so many countries. What country is it? The answer is: Sweden, a country that you will fall in love in three days.

Day 1 · Fall in love with the scenery
Many people said that coming to Sweden is like stepping into a dream kingdom. The beautiful long coastline, lush green forests, endless fields, crystal clear lakes, just like a beautiful fairy town... A little country seemed to hold all the smart beauty of the world.

Day 2 · Fall in love with lifestyle
They will definitely leave the office and have a cup of coffee with friends or colleagues during the daily work day as long as the work on hand is slightly over. Work and leisure are just right balanced. Swedes love to get close to nature. They will definitely take their families to go hiking in the mountains or lakes during the weekend. They will go to the forest or the countryside to pick crops, people and nature live in harmony. Sweden is such a magical country, the most spectacular scenery and the most comfortable and ordinary happiness.

Day 3 · Fall in love with the story 
Swedish and equality story: the Swedish royal family princesses from ordinary families in the world, even be joked as "the poorest royal family in history." The Swedish royal family does not care about material well being, they care more about the love to this land and the inheritance of Swedish culture. You can have a broader vision and a more relaxed life,this idea has always penetrated the bones of the Swedish.

Sweden residence permit program
1.Perfect social welfare ;
2.Excellent quality of life;
3.Prefect health care system;
4.Free college;
5.Five weeks of paid vacation;
6.480 days of  paid parental leave;
7.Visa-free live and work in all Schengen countries;
1、Stay in Sweden for 6 months per year;
2、Sufficient financial support;
3、IELTS scores more than 4 points;
4、Relevant experience in investment project;
5、Set up a company in Sweden as a legal entity;
6、Own at least half of the company's shares;

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details

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