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Moving to Costa Rica, the best springboard to the United States

With the advantages of developed economy, advanced medical care system, top-level education and perfect welfare, the United States has become one of the preferred destinations for high-net-worth individuals to live, work, study and invest overseas. However, the thresholds for immigration to the United States is increasingly high, there is another way to quickly enter the United States, which is to obtain a Costa Rica  passport and get E2 visa in the US.

Costa Rica is the E2 visa treaty country. What exactly is the E2 visa? The E-2 visa is a non-immigrant visa, which is very suitable for investors who want to quickly start a business and live in the US.


Advantages of the E-2 visa
1. E2 visa is non-immigrant visa, there are no limited quotas, no waiting list and no lottery.

2.Investors can submit visa application directly without employer guarantee.

3. The application period is short, 4 to 6 months you can land in the US.

4.The E2 visas do not have an expiration date. As long as the US companies operate normally and are profitable, they can be renewed indefinitely.

5.The applicant, spouse and children under the age of 21 can enjoy the green card treatment.  
Spouse can apply for a work card and work legally in the United States, their children can study in public schools free of charge and enjoy local treatment. 

6. The global success rate is 75%, which is higher than the pass rate of tourist visa. 
The E2 visa has many advantages. Unfortunately, it is only available to nationals of countries that have a treaty with the United States. Costa Rica is the E2 visa treaty country of the United States. Costa Rica residence permit program is a small investment, you can achieve your goal of quickly landing in the United States. Also your family can legally live, work and study in the United States.
Costa Rica is the best springboard to move to the United States.
Costa Rica residence permit program
1. Short naturalization period;
2. No language requirements*,
3.No education background requirements,
4.No stay requirements*;
5. Perfect Welfare;
6. Free Medical Treatment;
7. As the 13th happiest country in the world.
1. Non-criminal record;
2. 60,000 US dollars deposit (please contact us for non-deposit option).

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details

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