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Monaco immigration, super rich immigration country

Why is residence in Monaco so attractive?

There are beaches, luxurious cars, casinos, diamonds, helicopters, security cameras, yachts and F1 game. There is no crime and taxes. One of the few countries that do not have a personal income tax.

Monaco is in addition of having warm beaches, fine food and beautiful women. Monaco does not restrict foreigners opening bank accounts or buying real estate.

Living in Monaco is like being a member of the elite. It offers a wide range of possibilities for living comfortably in Europe.

Obtaining a residence permit in Monaco is a simple and straightforward process. You only need to prove that you have sufficient funds in your bank account (600,000 euros) and having a stable income outside Monaco. Therefore, every applicant who has the ability to prove his or her economic independence is entitled to a Monaco residence permit.

Monaco high net worth immigrants
Program benefits

1. Enjoy the EU benefits and implement the Schengen agreement;
3. Developed medical and financial industry;
4. Low tax; high welfare;
5. The famous of tax avoidance country;
6. No language requirements*;
7. No education background requirements;
8. No stay requirements*;

1. Certificate of deposit 600,000 euros in a foreigner bank.

Why choose us: WZ&P is the expert in residence and citizenship planning. There are hundreds of clients and advisors rely on our expertise and experience. Our highly qualified professionals work together as one team worldwide.

We have 18 offices worldwide. For related links, please click:
Global Office

Want to know more?Please contact us for more details

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