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Italy's slow pace of life, the most suitable for immigrants!

People in Italy enjoy their slow life style.

Enjoy food slowly
There is a special restaurant in Italy. A snail is painted on the wall of the restaurant that the means slow down and enjoy your meals. They even raised the concept of slow eating to international standards and created the international slow food association, which advocates people to learn slow eating and enjoy life in a slow pace.

What would be normal walking speed in other countries would look "hurried" in Italy. This is the slow life of Italians. The slow life in Italy is not only about slow to eat and walk, also include to work. This is a culture style. 

"Slow" is a life style
The Italian-style "slow" is actually an attitude. Everything seems to be in a holiday pace, whether it is dealing with work or life. There is no time and urgency to constrain it.

Italy residence permit - purchase a property
Program benefits:

1. The requirements are simple and application faster;
2. No language requirements*; No academic qualifications requirements;
3. The applicant does not need to explain the source of funds, you can carry out direct immigration without any relevant conditions;
4. No stay requirements*, and landing once every six months can carry out domestic life and work at the same time;
5. Italy real estate is a permanent property, and applicants can increase their income by rental;
6. Permanent residence have free movement, live and work in the Schengen countries.
7. Property preservation: Italy has no global taxation!
8. Beautiful resort: Italy is a subtropical Mediterranean climate with pleasant seasons and picturesque scenery, giving families a healthy and beautiful life.

Non-criminal record.
Investment requirement* for details, please contact us. 

Why choose us: WZ&P is the expert in residence and citizenship planning. There are hundreds of clients and advisors rely on our expertise and experience. Our highly qualified professionals work together as one team worldwide.

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Want to know more?Please contact us for more details

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