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Irish immigrants are growing in popularity

The Western European country Ireland is a picturesque country, here is full of beautiful scenery, known as the "green gem" on the Atlantic Ocean, and every scene is fascinating. Ireland is also one of the most diversed countries in the European Union, with 17% of its population coming from abroad. Ireland is also very friendly to immigrants. In recent years, the popularity of Irish immigrants has continued to increase. What are the attractions of Ireland?

Rich educational resources
The Irish education system is complete, and it has a long history of attaching importance to education. The Irish government provides free early education, elementary and high school education.

Tax system is superior
Ireland's average corporate income tax is one of the lowest in Europe, at 12.5%. There is no county-level or city-level taxation on business, and the Irish government promises to keep this rate unchanged in 2025. Ireland's superior tax rate policy is undoubtedly an ideal investment destination for investors who intend to expand their overseas business.

Immigration advantages in Ireland:
1. Ireland is an EU country. After immigration to Ireland, the entire family can become EU citizens, with global visa-free access and freedom to settle in 28 EU countries;
2. Ireland's own economy has accelerated significantly. Being an "Emerald Island State" is very livable and has a low corporate income tax of 12.5% ​​across Europe, which is very suitable for business, living and living;
3. Ireland is rich in educational resources. In the 2017 IMD World Competitiveness Ranking, the Irish education system ranked seventh in the world. The government provides free primary and lower secondary education to Irish residents. 

Irish immigration

1. Perfect welfare;
2. Excellent quality of life;
3. Safe and healthy environment;
4. Visa free in the British commonwealth and other EU nations;
5. No stay Requirements*;
6. No language requirements*;
7. Allows dual citizenship;

1. Non-criminal record;
2. Account statement and a proof of 125,000 euros deposit.

Why choose us: WZ&P is the expert in residence and citizenship planning. There are hundreds of clients and advisors rely on our expertise and experience. Our highly qualified professionals work together as one team worldwide.

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