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How easy is raising a child in Italy and newborn welfare inventory!

Italy encourages fertility, and the government continues to increase household budgets to ensure that more families receive more childcare benefits. What kind of parenting benefits can immigrants enjoy in Italy? According to Italy's fertility policy, newborns can enjoy a maternity allowance of 800 euros and subsidy of 1,000 euros per year in addition to the baby allowance.
1.The birth allowance
According to Italy's fertility policy in 2017, as long as the newborn baby is born after 1st January, 2017 that their families can receive a subsidy of 800 euros. This allowance is available before the baby is born. It is not subject to family income restrictions.

2.Nursery allowance
Italy’s new "nursery allowance" is 1,000 euros for the whole year. The prerequisite for the application is that the baby must be born after 1st January, 2016 and attend full-time nursery all year round, the allowance will be reduced accordingly. This new subsidy is not subject to family income.

3.The baby allowance
In addition to the two new subsidies, the "baby allowance" being implemented will lasted until the baby reaches the age of three. Italian immigrant mothers can also apply for a “childcare subsidy”if they have an Italian permanent residence card.

4.Baby nanny subsidy
In addition, mothers who have started work after maternity leave can also apply for "baby babysitter grant" of about 600 euros per month to cover the cost of a babysitter or nursery. They will have another 6 months of maternity leave if some mothers want to give up this subsidy.

5. Low-interest special maternity loans
Families with newborns in Italy can also apply for a special birth loan provided by an IMF. In the next three years, the Italian government will allocate 60 million euros to help those families with newborns to apply for the loan with low interest rates.

Italy residence permit program
1. Perfect welfare;
2. Excellent quality of life;
3. Perfect living environment;
4. Visa-free live and work in all Schengen countries;
5. No stay requirements;
1. Non-criminal record;
2. No Italian annual residence record;
3.Investment requirements* for details, please contact us.  

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details

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