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Data to illustrate: Why immigration to Austria with high security and low consumption

Austria is in the middle of Europe and known as the heart of Europe. Leaning against the beautiful Alps, the blue Danube crosses the country from west to east. The towering mountains are dotted with hundreds of lakes and rivers. The capital of Vienna has been rated as the most livable city for 8 consecutive years.

High social welfare
1. Medical insurance
Free public hospitals. It costs nothing to see a doctor, get a check-up or stay in hospital. You only need to pay a few euros for each medicine.
Free public school from elementary school to university (currently the university only charges a few hundred euros for registration).
3. Newborn and mother protection
Mother or father are entitled to one year of paid maternity leave (the employer cannot dismiss them). You can enjoy government unemployment benefits if you do not work after maternity leave; The working party can enjoy tax relief, and the state grants monthly benefits for each newborn and their family.
4.Unemployment welfare
When employees are unemployed, in addition to rent subsidies and endowment insurance, the government will provide a minimum of 800 euros per month for each unemployed (enough for 2-3 people's living expenses) according to the amount of income before unemployment.
Low consumption
1. House price
House prices in Vienna are generally between 2,000 and 8,000 euros per square meter.

2. Food prices
Taking tomatoes and cabbage as examples: the retail prices are 0.75 or 0.5 euros per 500 grams, and the eggs are 1.5 euros for ten. The 1L (liter) milk and 100% pure fruit juice (apple juice, orange juice) about 0.9 euros.
Meat prices: different parts of pork: 1.5-3 euros for 500 grams; chicken 1.75-3 euros for 500 grams;
This should be the main reason for immigration to Austria. The major issues of parenting, investment in education, medical care and pension can all be solved by the state's social security. 

Austria residence permit program
1. Enjoy the super high welfare.
2. You can apply for permanent residence in the EU after five years of residence.
3. Able to apply as a family* or apply for family reunification.
4. Perfect living environment and beautiful landscape. Ideal place for family development.

1. Non-criminal record
2. Diploma or German language skills (A1).

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details

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