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Brexit is complete, there is no doubt Ireland could be biggest beneficiary

As the Big Ben gong struck 11 p.m. GMT on 31st January 2020, marking the moment the United Kingdom left the European Union.

Ireland is likely to be the biggest beneficiaries of a post-brexit transfer of functions out of the UK. Brexit has created a historic development opportunity for Ireland. There have been many companies chosen to move European headquarters to Ireland. It has created tens of thousands of jobs for Ireland and brought great economic vitality.

For example, the top investment bank, Merrill Lynch from the US and the famous Barclays bank from the UK, they moved from London to Dublin before brexit. The Barclays bank, the assets transferred reached 215 billion US dollars by itself. Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs are promised to expand their branches in Dublin in order to deal with the uncertainties brought about by Brexit.

Another important participator is the technology giants. Many well-known internet technology companies set their European headquarters in Ireland such as Google, Apple and Facebook. They also announced plans to expand their investment in Ireland.

What makes the most direct beneficiary of Brexit in Ireland?

Ireland has a unique “soft advantage” – low tax rates, young workforce. The native language is English and there is an inclusive social culture. Fortune Magazine believes that the trend of migration of this multinational company will bring great economic development opportunity and even make the most direct beneficiary of Brexit in Ireland.

This is a great opportunity moving to Ireland.

Ireland residence permit program


1. Perfect welfare;

2. Excellent quality of life;

3. Safe and healthy environment;

4. Visa free in The British commonwealth and other EU nations;

5. No stay Requirements*;

6. No language requirements*;

7. Allows dual citizenship;

1. Non-criminal record;
2. other requirements*;

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details

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