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Are you within the reach of immigrants from Malta?

Who are Malta immigrants suitable for?
1. Applicants who want to springboard the UK and other European countries

Although it is very difficult to immigrate to the UK, it is much easier to choose Malta as a springboard. Not only can you study in other European countries, but you can also study and immigrate in the UK. All in all, Malta immigration status is a good springboard to Britain.

2. Entrepreneurs who want to set up a company overseas
If you are an entrepreneur who wants to set up a business overseas, the benefit of setting up a business in Malta is the tax system. Because Malta is a country that does not levy taxes globally, and has good tax policy support. In addition, you can enjoy preferential subsidies from the EU Customs Union and trade.

3. Pursue pure British education
Although the national policies for home immigration are very simple and the prices are very cheap, these countries are not English-speaking countries after all. However, Malta was once a British colony, which has kept Malta's rigorous education system. Therefore, no matter it is school teaching or daily communication, teaching in Malta is pure English, which is very nice.

Malta Residence Permit

1. A peaceful and safe, high standard of living.
2. A pleasant climate and friendly English-speaking people.
3. Free movement in Malta.
4. A rich cultural and historical heritage.
5. Over 60 double taxation agreements with major countries.
6. No stay requirements*.

1. Non-criminal record;
2. Investment requirement* for details, please contact us. 

Why choose us: WZ&P is the expert in residence and citizenship planning. There are hundreds of clients and advisors rely on our expertise and experience. Our highly qualified professionals work together as one team worldwide.

We have 18 offices worldwide. For related links, please click:
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Want to know more?Please contact us for more details

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