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There is much better social welfare in Austria

1. Free medical care
According to Austrian law, all citizens need to purchase medical insurance in Austria. The costs between 40 to 60 euros per month. You will receive an Austrian medical insurance card (e-card) after signing a contract with the insurance company. The e-card holders enjoy free medical care. You only need to pay prescription fees at the pharmacy when you need it, the extra cost paid by the insurance company.


2. Free education
The public education is completely free in Austria. The private education has a subsidy of 400 euros per month. You only need to pay 120 euros for meals. You can choose high school, liberal arts high school, and technical school after graduating from junior high school. All three ways can be  apply to study in university. The free education until you study to master.

3. Unemployment benefits
You can apply for unemployment benefits if you are unemployed after working in Austria for 10 months. The subsidy is 80% of the previous salary. The government also help you find a job, it arrange you study German and professional course for free.

4.Tax return
You will get tax return by every end of year. You should get 20% in tax return.

5. Rental allowance
You will receive government subsidies when you rent a house in Austria for low-income families. The government will subsidize about 200 to 500 euros depend on the size and management fee of house.

6. Family allowance
One child will be received 178 euros of subsidy, two children will be received 354.20 euros of subsidy, and three children will be received 569.4 euros of subsidy. The price will increase by the children age.

7. Pregnancy allowance
You will stop working when you are pregnant from 30th week. The government will pay the pregnancy allowance. The government will pay 1,500 euros of subsidy per month for self-employed. The allowance will pay for 4 months. The government will pay 5 months if the child born by Cesarean section.

8.More children for tax reduction
The payroll tax is usually around 40% (different tax rates according to income). The government will refund 58.4 euros per month if you have one child, it will refund 116.80 euros per month if you have two children.  One child will refund 494 euros per year if you are single parent family. Two children will refund 669 euros. You will refund 220 euros for every child after two children.
Austria implemented a new welfare policy on 1st September:

Father’s benefit month
Father has a pay holiday for one month when your child was born. The Father applies for holiday before the baby born, you can receive a 700 euros allowance.

Austria Residence Permit program


1. Enjoy the super high welfare.
2. You can apply for permanent residence in the EU after five years of residence.
3. Able to apply as a family* or apply for family reunification.
4. Perfect living environment and beautiful landscape. Ideal place for family development.

1. Non-criminal record
2. Diploma or German language skills( A1).
3. Health insurance and local accommodation*

WZ&P— leader in residence and citizenship planning
Please contact us for more details

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